
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that God sent Him into the world to provide salvation for mankind, and that by His death at Calvary his precious blood was shed on the cross as an atonement for our sins. All who repent of their sin and put their faith and trust in Him have eternal life, and will never perish - John 3v16


We preach Christ crucified - 1 Corinthians 1 v 23


We believe that baptism is a divine institution and command, coming from the authority of the Lord Jesus Himself (Matthew 28, 19-20).  It is practised by born again believers (Acts 2v41), and carried out by immersion (Acts 8v36-38).

The Lord's Supper

This ordinance is sometimes called “The Breaking of Bread” and observed on the first day of the week (Acts 20v7). It was instituted by the Lord (Luke, 22v19-20), and practised by the local Churches (1 Corinthians, 11v23-29) and is to continue until the Lord comes for His church (1 Corinthians 11v26).

Those who participate in this meeting must be born again, baptised believers (Acts 2v41-42) whose lives are sanctified (set apart) as the Assembly (church) is a holy place and all members in the fellowship must be conscious of its purity.

All who are not members are always welcome to visit and observe.