Speaker, Clive Barber, continues his teaching on dispensationalism, this week focusing on the “Dispensation of Law”.   See below downloadable study documents: Plan of the Ages Dispensation Chart and Headings

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Session 9 – Dispensation of Law (Part 1)

Speaker, Clive Barber, continues his teaching on dispensationalism, this week focusing on the “Dispensation of Law”.   See below downloadable study documents: Plan of the Ages Dispensation Chart and Headings  

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Session 2 – Dispensation of Innocence

Speaker, Clive Barber, continues his teaching on dispensationalism, this week focusing on the “Dispensation of Innocence”.   See below downloadable study documents: Plan of the Ages Dispensation Chart and Headings  

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Session 1 – Dispensationalism Overview

Speaker, Clive Barber, commences his teaching on dispensationalism, this week giving an introduction to the topic.   See below downloadable study documents: Plan of the Ages Dispensation Chart and Headings  

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